General tips

For deployment tips, please follow vue cli docs

Custom Components

Writing custom components should be fairly easy with Vue Paper Dashboard PRO. You can either write your own components with the help of our provided cssor even customize Element-UI components.

If you want to write your own re-usable component, simply go to src/components/UIComponents and create a new .vue file. Usually all the css you need is already present in assets folder. If you need small customizations, you can directly add your custom styles inside your .vue component.

Override element-ui components

Vue Paper Dashboard PRO uses element-ui for more complex components such as tables, selects etc. In order to give these components a Paper look, we recommend creating a new scss file inside src/assets/paper folder named with the component you want to customize. Element-UI uses BEM under the hood which should make the css customization pretty easy. You can take a look at

  • _plugin-tags.scss
  • _plugin-selects.scss

to see how these components are customized. The easiest way to customize a new component, is to inspect the output html in Chrome dev tools and write your css/scss based on the class names or ids you find there.

Override element-ui variables

We have defined a separate file src/assets/sass/element_variables.scss where you can override certain element-ui variables as presented in Element-Ui docs We set the main colors from Element to be the same as our custom color palette. This way, new components from Element, when imported, will have the same colors as the theme.

Handling requests

This template doesn't include the request handling part simply because people have different opinions regarding this part. If you need to get started quickly, we recommend axios which is a library for handling requests. Here's a small example on how you could integrate it with Vue

Handling authentication

Authentication is a rather complex topic and can be implemented differently depending on your server architecture. A very common authentication pattern is using tokens. Below is a code snippet on how you could write a small authentication middleware for handling authentication with json web tokens.

  1. In your routes.js file, go to the route you want to restrict for authenticated users and add this meta: { requiresAuth: true, role: 'admin' }

  2. Define a new js file for handling authentication.

import jwtDecode from 'jwt-decode';

function redirectToMainPage(next) {
  // You can display a notification here if needed
  return next({path: '/'});

 * Middleware to check if user has the correct right to access a certain page.
 * Checks are performed based on route meta fields `meta: { requiresAuth: true }`.
 * @param {object} router Vue router instance
export default function authMiddleware(router) {
  router.beforeEach((to, from, next) => {
    // check for the routes that have `requiresAuth: true`
    let requiresAuth = to.matched.some(record => record.meta.requiresAuth);
    if (!requiresAuth) {
      return next();
    let token = localStorage.getItem('token');
    if (!token) {
      return next({path: '/login'});
    try {
      let decodedToken = jwtDecode(token);
      let { user, role } = decodedToken;
      let { role: metaRole } = to.meta;
      let userId = localStorage.getItem('userId');
      if (user === userId) {
        if(role && metaRole && role !== metaRole){
          return redirectToMainPage(next);
        return next()
      } else {
    } catch (err) {


In order to make everything work you will have to store token and userId inside localStorage upon login.

If you need something more complex, like handling refresh tokens, automatically logout, or check if user has the correct access rights before accessing each page, you could use Vue Auth and follow this issue for more details.